I'll be seeing you

23 februari 2015 - Aberdeen, Verenigd Koninkrijk

Today I leave Portnellan in Gartocharn to go to Aberdeen, accompanied by my fellow wwoofer Victoria. After which I will be going to the Shetlands.
I was secretly planning to hide in the cowshed and live with the cows here (who hopefully would soon accept me as one of their own), but this morning I decided against it: I would simply have to come back here one day.

I am really going to miss the farm and the family who have shown me that I was born in the wrong country and clearly should make a career swap and become a beef farmer. 

Freda trained me to be a well-behaved wwoofer who now knows how to make and drink tea properly (the milk goes in first you savages!).

David was always happy to answer all of my many many questions about cows and farming (and piping, Scotland, the language... and so on and so forth...). 

Chris loved to laugh, sometimes with me, but mostly at me. He had every right to, because I am very good at being silly and making a fool of myself. Luckily he was patient and taught me a lot (for instance how NOT to almost get your fingers trapped in a mole trap), and in the end we laughed together.

Skye was the sweetest dog who never got sick of being petted or fetching sticks. She demanded both from me even at the most inconvenient times.

I am very sorry to go, but very grateful to have spent a lovely three weeks here. If you think about going wwoofing this is really the place to go and I can only hope my next hosts will be as wonderful as the Scott-Park family.

If you are interested in knowing more about Portnellan, check out their website: http://www.portnellanfarm.co.uk/ 

I hope I will be able to post soon, but I am not sure what the internet connection will be like in the Shetlands.


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2 Reacties

  1. Jo:
    23 februari 2015
    well done! why such a short stay?
  2. Edith de Vries:
    24 februari 2015
    Why does it take a minute to say hello and forever to say goodbye?